Make a Donation and Receive Chapters 1–6 of iBIBLE on DVD
See God’s Word come to life like never before. The first six chapters of iBIBLE are now on DVD! Be blessed by the first six chapters of the most important story in all of history—God’s Divine narrative. Share this DVD with your kids, grandkids, neighbors, and Sunday School. Get yours today exclusively from RevelationMedia. Featuring vibrant art and a script based solely on the Biblical text.
The first iBIBLE DVD includes:
Chapter 1:
- See God create the heavens and the earth, form man from the dust of the ground, and breathe into him the breath of life.
Chapter 2:
The Fall
- Tempted by the serpent’s words, Eve went against God’s command and ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and shared it with her husband.
Chapter 3:
Cain & Abel
- The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but He did not accept Cain or his offering. Realizing this, Cain became angry. When they were in the field together, Cain turned on Abel, and killed him.
Chapter 4:
The Great Flood (Part 1)
- God saw that the people on earth were very wicked. Noah, however, walked with God. God sent a flood to destroy all living creatures on the face of the earth, and only Noah and his family were saved.
Chapter 5:
The Great Flood (Part 2)
- After a year on the ark, God spoke to Noah, saying “Come out from the ark.” God established His covenant with every living creature on the earth.
Chapter 6:
The Tower of Babel
- The people settled in the land of Shinar, desiring to make a name for themselves. They built a city and a tower reaching to the heavens.
Get the first iBIBLE DVD for your kids, grandkids, neighbors, and Sunday School!
Receive Your FREE DVD With a Donation to RevelationMedia
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*Note: Clear protective case included.
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